Monday, November 21, 2005

I've been tagged...

That's right folks, I have arrived :-) this pretty lady has tagged me with the meme of 5's so here's the low down....

Ten Years Ago:
I'm not entirely sure what I was doing, but I do know that I was NOT talking to my parents at the time and anything that I was doing definitely went against everything that they had tried to instill in me.

5 Years Ago:
I was a business analyst for a financial software development company. At night I spent a LOT of time partying and partaking in some seriously questionable mind altering substances. Attended a whole bunch of fantastic parties with my fantabulous group of friends who are still very important to me today.

1 Year Ago:
The boys (our 2 Jack Russell puppies) had just arrived and our lives revolved around them. We were also renovating our previous house (spot the cycle).

5 Yummy things:
1) Condensed Milk on fresh white bread
2) Avocado
3) Fresh, homemade, salted popcorn
4) Toasted chicken & mayo sandwiches
5) Nando's chicken! (double yum)

5 Songs I know by heart:
1) Somebody - Depeche Mode
2) Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
3) 99 Red Balloons - Nena
4) Your Song - Elton John
5) Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana

5 Things I would do with a lot of money:
1) Pay off our mortgage and finish all the renovations before Christmas
2) Distribute enough money to all of my close relatives and friends that they can clear their debts
3) Provide financial assistance to those couples desperate to have a baby but without the means to do so
4) Fund an animal rescue centre
5) Invest wisely so that neither myself nor my partner would have to work again thereby reintroducing the enjoyment of work

5 Things I would never wear:
1) Anything in Gold
2) White shoes (other than to get married in)
3) Stick on bra (they do not work on big breasted girls)
4) Hot Pants
5) Patent leather thigh high boots

5 Favourite TV Shows:
1) West Wing
2) Lost
3) Everwood (Red I thought I was the only person who watched this!!)
4) CSI (Las Vegas and New York, not Miami)
5) House of Tiny Tearaways (you'll probably only know it if you live in the UK, I LOVE this show!)

5 Things I enjoy doing:
1) Reading
2) Playing with the dogs
3) Stroking my cats
4) Doing DIY
5) Sleeping :-)

I don't know enough people well enough to inflict a meme on them yet so I'll just pass it onto the RO


p.s All is still well although I'm struggling to get an appointment with the doctors to confirm everything once and for all. Thanks to ALL of you for the kind comments and wishes.


Blogger Unknown said...

I think you've just described the outfit I'd most like you to wear - but know you never will :p

I'll be sure to put in my version as soon as I figure out the rules.

8:20 pm  

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