Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It's morse code for bees*

Although we have been pretty open with the ol' t'internet about the whole trying for a baby thing, we haven't really shared that information with everyone in real life however the RO decided that today he would let the cat out of the bag.

You see we both belong to a fantastic mailing list (I know, we are geeks in a really big way) comprising of some very intelligent and eclectic people who spend large portions of their day arguing with each other about very important things. One of today's topics was about the next meet up that is to be held in December. The invitation comprised of all the usual information as well as whether the members of the list would be bringing children along. The RO thought that this was the ideal opportunity and replied with the line 'does a fetus count?'

This statement definitely wasn't overlooked (despite the list comprising almost entirely of men) and before I knew it I had several of them texting and msn-ing me to find out whether I am in fact pregnant.

One of these people has recently become a dad and the msn conversation with him took a very unexpected turn when he stated that if I was only likely to know whether we had been successful in about 7 days then I must've ovulated over the week-end. Unless of course (he said) I, like many woman the world over, actually have a slightly longer menstrual cycle, in which case I would probably ovulate tonight. Now I had been feeling pretty strange all day and couldn't decide what the ache in my lower abdomen was, so I mentioned this to him (strange I know but he seemed to really know his stuff!). He suggested that I pop into the pharmacy after work and pick up an Ovulation test as this would give me a clear indication of whether tonight was in fact the night that we should be the 'funky chicken'.

So, I popped into the pharmacy after work as he had suggested and bought one of those pink boxes. I brought it home and followed all the instructions. Low and behold! He was right, I am in fact only ovulating tonight and so the poor RO, sore neck or not has to perform his duty if we're to have any chance of success this cycle.

You just have to love the internet and the weird array of people that it produces!


*If you're wondering what the title has to do with all of this, it's a slightly cryptic clue that only those in the know will get :-)


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