Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Stop the world, I wanna get off!!!

So there I was, minding my own business, getting on with a bit of work when it struck me - it is November. Now that seems logical enough after all November usually comes after October but bloody hell, in 4 weeks we leave for South Africa! For our wedding! And we have guest fluing in from the UK! To join us!! AAaaarrrgh!!!

(Now I know that there are way to many exclamations in the above sentence, but seriously that was the reaction.)
You see, just over a year ago, the RO and I set a date for our wedding, and after much thought we decided that it was logical to have it in South Africa as the exchange rate favours the Brits (immensely) and it would be a great opportunity for our friends to combine a holiday with our happy occasion.

Everything wedding wise has been taken care of (thanks mom!) and I have my wedding atire all sorted out so there is no problem there but it struck me that I have all these people flying into a city that they have never visited before and I am responsible for them. So there began a frantic frenzy of e-mails and phone calls to gather all the information (flights, dates etc) so that I know when everyone is arriving and where they are going to stay.
In typical fashion I had all along told people not to worry about the details of accommodation and transport as I would take care of it for them. But yet again in my usual fashion, I had left these seemingly unimportant details to the last minute - hence my stressed reaction.

Fortunately, I am pretty adept at the whole internet thing and so by close of business today, all the details have been sorted out and we're ready to go.

Now to just get the house in some kind of habitable state for our animal sitter as I'm pretty sure the paid help won't be quite as forgiving of all the building rubble and clutter that currently fills every floor and window sill in the house.

At least that is something to keep me busy over the next 4 weeks, otherwise I just know that the time would pass very, very slowly!

Getting very excited now :-)



Blogger Zinnia Cyclamen said...

The time will whizz by. And I hope there are going to be photos for your blog - I want to see The Dress!!

5:46 am  
Blogger Villagepig said...

You bet there'll be photo's :-)

It's the only day in my whole life that I will have a little bitty waist, I'll have to show it off even if I'll be a little blue around the mouth :-)


9:55 pm  

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