Thursday, November 24, 2005

At last! A professional opinion...

You won't believe how difficult it has been to try and get a doctors appointment. For those of you not from the UK let me briefly explain how things work here when it comes to finding a GP. If you're in England, then you can find out where the nearest doctor is and you pop in, fill in the registration papers and voila! You have a doctor. When we lived across the border in England we had a doctor, but since we love live across in Wales (only by a couple of miles mind you) they refuse to see us.

Unfortunately in Wales, things work a little differently, at least here in Flintshire they do. We had to get in touch with the county council and they allocate a doctor to you. The first time I phoned I was told that they nearest doctor (that had books open to new patients) was in Mold, which is about 25 minutes away from us by car. Silly me asked if there were any doctors closer to either our home or work and was given another doctor that was within 15 minutes of home.

So on Monday I drove to the nearer doctor (having called and confirmed everything with them first) so that I could register our details. Unfortunately when I got there they informed me that they didn't cover the village that we live in (even though they cover the one right next door). I called the council who insisted that they did but unfortunately the doctors had the trump card and refused the registration papers.

After several more frantic calls it became apparent that we would have to settle for the doctor in Mold as we were at least guaranteed that they would accept us (baring in mind my recent news and our impending trip to a Africa in a few days). The RO and I made the long track there, filled out the forms and the lovely lady at the front desk then told us that they have a branch within about 5 minutes of where we live. Somehow this seems to have escaped the councils knowledge but it was very welcome news indeed!

Unfortunately though the earliest that we can get any kind appointment (you have to have a mini medical with a nurse before you can think about seeing a doctor) is tomorrow afternoon and not a minute to soon! It's been a very long week, full of mixed emotions. On the one hand we have had several positive pregnancy tests but it still doesn't seem official until it's been acknowledged by a professional and I would love to get the low down on these damn hormonal mood swings and when they're likely to settle down.

Anyway, hopefully the appointment will prove fruitful and all this complaining will be for naught :-)



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