Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Big... no.... HUGE news!

Well today was the day that we got to have our first scan. I had specifically requested an earlier scan as I had originally only been booked in for an 18 week one.

All I can say is thank the deity that I did because it seems that we are to be blessed (or something, we'll update on this in about 7 months) with twins.

I don't think that it has really sunk in yet and I'm pretty sure that it will take some time before we are used to the idea of being parents twice over, but in the meantime, lots of excited family members are keeping us busy :-)

About the twins: We don't know the sex yet (although I think that we will be finding out) but we should be able to tell in about 4 weeks or so. T1 (Twin 1) is slightly smaller than T2 (duh, Twin 2) and there seems to be about 5-6 days between them but we're not to worried about it yet as 1mm makes a huge difference at this stage.

This does mean that I'll be going in for a scan every 2 or so weeks from now until they're born so we will be able to keep up to date with the progress of the babes.

I have big intentions (and at loeast 3 decent posts swimming around inside my head) about being more consistent with the blog - hopefully the nausea will start to become a thing of the past very soon so that I don't feel the urge to throw up whenever I see my screen :-)

Thanks to everyone for their good wishes, they are hugely appreciated. To my IF friends, I know that this has all come awfully easily to us and I wish more than anything that it could be the same for everyone.

So with love from all of us........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy cow! That must have been a real shocker! Congratulations! I bet they will be a lot of fun. . eventually *lol*. Take good care of yourself!

8:47 pm  
Blogger Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Well, you don't do things by halves, do you? ;-) That's terrific news, many congratulations. I do hope your nausea abates soon - but at least when the twins are older and winding you up, you'll be able to yell 'you two make me SICK!' with perfect accuracy! I look forward to reading more about everything when you're ready and able to write. Take good care.

7:25 am  
Blogger Pat said...

Many congratulations - you deserve twice as much as anyone else. So glad all went well in SA and look forward to photos anon.

11:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh WOW! Whoo hoo! I hope everything's still going really well.

3:31 am  
Blogger LisaPal said...

DOUBLE Congratulations!!!!

5:35 am  

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