A sigh of relief
Some of you may have read the RO 's latest post which covers everything that I am about to mention but if you haven't, we have had a moment of relief. We went to have a scan yesterday and the consultant managed to find a membrane. This is great news because it means that we have 'normal' identical twins although we will now have to make sure that we keep checking for Twin-to-Twin transfusion (I think thats what its called). Although this is more common and if left unchecked potentially fatal, it is also easier to spot so we're a lot more comfortable with this option.
The second bit of news was that we managed to see their little bits - it turns out that despite both of us being completely convinced that we were having girls, we were wrong and we're to be the proud parents of 2 little boys. I must say now that I have got used to the idea - I'm almost relieved, especially when I remember what a horror I was as a teenager :-)
Thanks to ALL of you for your kind words, it does make me feel all warm and fuzzy when I get a comment, especially when I know that I haven't been the best blogger in the world and I probably don't deserve such niceties!
Hugs to all of you - and I leave you with my tummy a week later :-)
(16w4d - and sorry about the blurry nature of the pic, we didn't use the flash and I'm to lazy to do it again :-))
Hooray! That's GREAT news!! Doubly great!
I know what you mean about the boy versus girl thing. I have always said that, as gender goes, it's "pay now or pay later."
My son was a little hellion as a toddler, but as he grew, he mellowed well and has been great as a teen, no problems and no trouble. At 17, he's grown to an awesome young man.
My daughter has definitely been easier in these early years and we are incredibly close, but as she approaches puberty (she's 9 1/2 years old), it's becoming clear that the I will pay for all my bad deeds as a teenager 10-fold. My sweet, wonderful child is becoming more stubborn, willful, and in a hurry to be grow up. And already thinks she knows everything. (GASP! Just like I was!!) I adore her, but at times she scares the daylights out of me.
I am so happy to hear they found the membrane! It must be a huge relief to you both. I was totally postive I was having a girl and was stunned when they showed me the boy bits on the ultrasound. Now that I have him I can't imagine having a girl. Funny how that works *lol*.
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