Onwards and upwards
Isn't it amazing how quickly time passes? I can't believe that my last post was so long ago, sorry 'bout that, terribly rude of me :-)
Not much has happened since we last spoke, the nausea has receeded a bit more, it only really bugs me first thing in the morning and briefly in the evening. This trimester is definately easier, if not enjoyable.
I guess I'm just not one of those people who enjoys being pregnant. I know that sounds terrible and I'm probably breaking some unwritten code but I can't believe that I'm the only woman to ever feel that way. Sure I marvel at the wonder of our growing children and I think its all rather remarkeable, but I also find it very uncomfortable and rather all consuming.
There are woman out there who love every single second of pregnancy and I envy them that because 9 months is a loooong time if you're not altogether chirpy. Fortunately we are now more or less half way through (for a twin pregnancy) at 18weeks, so I can at least see that the end is in sight.
We have our big anatomy scan on the 6th March and we finally get to meet our consultant then to so that'll be a big deal. Between now and then however we still have to spend 2 days in Birmingham delivering training (we spent 2 days last week in London doing the same) so that is the first milestone. Hopefully this will mean that the week passes quickly :-)
Trust me, with every day that passes I become less nervous about the prospect of the twins arriving, because I will be very happy when I can have my usual, energetic, healthy-feeling self back (of course this in itself is wishful thinking what with 2 new borns, but its my dream ok :-)).
Happy Saturday to all of you!
Glad it's going well. Not everyone enjoys being pregnant: one of my best mates always wanted children, loves her two daughters dearly, and hated every moment of both her pregnancies. So don't worry, you're not alone.
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