Tuesday, September 13, 2005

When they mess with genius...

So I'll admit it, I'm a CSI junkie. I love the escapism that good tv provides and I choose the hours that I spend in front of the tv very carefully. Well maybe not that carefully but I'm still pretty picky about the standards that I come to expect. CSI - Las Vegas is the best of the bunch, and CSI - New York is pretty good too but I've always had a bit of a problem with the Miami series because it always seemed to miss the point however some episodes provide good entertainment so I've persevered (even though Horatio really is a bit odd). That is, until tonight's episode...

Allow me to set the scene... Miami and there is a tsunami coming (as if that's not strange enough), and there is a bank heist. The robbers use the tsunami to carry a huge bag of gold bullion out to sea... Are you with me so far? As if this plot wasn't weak enough, you now add Horatio's latest heroic act of driving into a building that has been armed with explosives to be raised to the ground... Apparently in Miami when a building is rigged in this way, they use a timing device as a detonator - fair enough - however they have no way of overriding the explosion!!! So Horation in all his glory drives into the building to save a hostage with 2 minutes left on the clock, then drives out through the building as the explosions start going off!

Now you might find this silly but I've come to expect a certain level of plausibility for CSI and I find it annoying that Mr. Bruckheimer can't come up with something a little more believable. If this is what we should expect from the new series, then I guess I'll be watching one less series!!

And now that I have finished with this completely useless rant, I'll be going to bed - in the caravan - in the garden - of our partially renovated house *sigh* so much for escapism :-)



Blogger Dauve said...

I saw that episode of CSI: Miami - I thought it was pretty good. Even if seeing Horatio drive out that building was rather dramatic :D

Then again, I'm easily pleased by pretty much every CSI episode.

8:27 pm  
Blogger Villagepig said...

Oh don't get me wrong, I love CSI but I find Horatio a little creepy. Perhaps its his weird obsession with the victims and their families, or his penchant for funerals and strippers :-). I just wonder how he finds time to do any of the actual crime fighting!

hehehehe but its just tv right? And not something for me to get too heated about. I think I'd appreciate it a whole bunch more if the writers game him a few less cheesy lines!!

*sigh* I'm distrubing myself with this analysis!


8:55 am  

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