Friday, September 09, 2005

Mama in training

I have been broody for as long as I can remember. I haven't always been keen on the idea of marriage (although within a month of meeting the RO, I was without a doubt that he was the one) but I have always been drawn to babies and children. I have spent a lot of time around kids in my 29 years, being the oldest of 4 with my younger siblings 12 and 13 years younger than me meant that nappies, bottles and colic were all part of my early teenage years.

As I've got older some of my friends have started having children and in one instance I was even at the birth. That being said, nothing really prepares you for the reality of becoming a new parent - books don't even begin to cover the true trials and tribulations of parenthood. A simple search on Amazon yields a massive amount of literature on the subject of pregnancy and motherhood but its all awfully scientific or subjective and I suspect that there are very few authors who provide any real preparation.

I had resigned myself to the fact that I would have to find it all out as I went along and I still had some romantic notions about what parenthood really is like, until that is I discovered the mummy bloggers. Its through reading the everyday experiences of all the mothers out there that I have come to have a clearer idea of what its really like. All the things that our mothers/sisters/friends don't tell us for fear of appearing out of control or of putting us off children forever is beautifully reproduced in an easy (and sometimes highly emotional) manner. I have read so many entries dedicated to the subject that I am completely hooked and although I'm now a little more aware of the ups and downs, I do feel more armed with the gritty details that will help the RO and I decide when the right time will be.

Its true that I can't wait to start a family and I love the idea of keeping a journal of events that can be read and reflected on later in life, but I'm also more aware than ever that both the RO and I are still parents in training and that we've still a way to go yet before we can seriously add to our family.

That being said however, its great fun practicing!



Blogger Zinnia Cyclamen said...

And if the RO wants a daddy blog to read, I'd recommend 'Written Inc' (on my sidebar) - it's not all daddy stuff, but the writer, Carmi, is a committed and loving dad. I guess there must be others too.

2:01 pm  

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