Thursday, September 01, 2005

Happy Autumn Day!!

Or more importantly, happy Spring Day to my family back home (and everyone else in the Southern Hemisphere of course).

Its been an interesting day in terms of work stuff, having been party to a particularly productive meeting with RO and some other important people. Unfortunately the day was tainted by the discovery that an acquaintance who had chosen to let me in on a sordid secret a few months ago, has placed herself back in a rather tenuous position with said secret.

You see the man that she is involved with is a work colleague, a married with kids one at that! Their affair has been going for many years already and when she told me about it, I was shocked to discover that I know him too! I'm not a prude by any means but I don't believe that there is any excuse for extra marital affairs, especially when the excuse for staying in the marriage is religion! I can't get my head around this, how can one say that they are too religious to get a divorce but not religious enough to feel that an affair is wrong? Surely this is illogical even to the most simple minded individual? Part of me feels very sorry for her as she clearly loves the man dearly and dreads being parted from him, but surely after years of secrets and lies you have to realise that things will never be normal?

I guess my frustration with her stems from being around when the affair last 'ended'. She was devastated because he said that he couldn't stand the guilt any longer. Not 3 months later however, he seems to that guilt under control. They've left for a long week-end in the Lake District today and I can't help wondering what kind of lies have been spun to the wife to get time away over the week-end.

I may be over simplistic but if you can't share the love that you have for someone with anyone that you choose then what is the point? Secrets of this magnitude must surely take over every element of your life until its no longer recognisable. Perhaps this is why she chose to let me in on the secret, so that there was someone who she could share it with.

I hope that it all turns out alright, although the reality is that regardless of the outcome someone will be hurt and I doubt that it'll be pretty.


Building updates:

None to speak of - builders return from holiday on Monday, more details then...


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