Monday, August 29, 2005

The end is nigh..

Its always sad to say goodbye to the summer but it has been a lovely bank holiday week-end! The weather was ok but the bandwidth was fabulous!

I have managed to catch up on all of my favourite blogs and still managed to fit in almost all of the chores that simply had to be done by the time the new week rolls around. One of my favourite pastimes is to follow the links from one of my regular blog reads, find one that takes my fancy and then read all the archives until I catch up. My latest obsession is with Speaking as a Parent which is both entertaining and informative (highly recommended).

Its rather strange to be on the other side of things. I've spent months following other peoples lives and finding myself warming to many of them, but I can't really imagine the same
happening here. I don't mind at all, as the very idea of sending your thoughts out over the wibbly wobbly web is enough to keep me awake at night, I'm not sure I could cope with the responsibility of actual acknowledgment!

That being said, if any of you do stumble across this place that I call my own, let me know that you have been - especially if you have a blog of your own for me to sink my teeth into as I'm almost done with Speaking as a Parent and I'll need new blood soon!



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