Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Messenger madness

For the purpose of this post, there are a couple of things that you need to know:

1) MSN Messenger is an instant message system that allows you to chat to people with
immediate response
2) BGA is my very best (gay) friend in the whole world
3) A Faghag is a gay mans female friend

So onto the fun that was my conversation with BGA yesterday....

[BGA] well less than 1 hour to go... then home, doll myself up and then off for a big snog !!!!
[Alley] aw bless
[Alley] are you taking an overnight bag this time?
[BGA] no.. I need to come home.. I have work in the morning.
[Alley] is it to far to commute in the morning?
[BGA] not at all... I just can't sleep with someone in the same bed.. last 2 times I spent the whole night laying there....
[Alley] hehehehehe well that will have to change if this starts getting more permanent
[BGA] Only problem is I can't drink...
[Alley] what you want is to invest in a King size bed
[BGA] but if I do give in, I will just leave at 6.30 or some crazy horrible hour and come home and get ready...
[Alley] and of course the BIG question is - does he know about ME?
[Alley] *grin*
[BGA] you?
[BGA] in what way?
[Alley] yeh, I'll know he's very important when you start to tell him about me - your best friend in the whole wide world
[Alley] just kidding
[BGA] Erm... I have mentioned you...
[BGA] and I spoke to you on the phone the other night from his house
[Alley] well of course YOU are always mentioned right off the bat because no Al, no nooky!
[BGA] while he was having a ciggy
[Alley] I was kidding though
[BGA] yeah
[BGA] so am I
[Alley] hehehe
[BGA] no al, no nooky...
[Alley] hehehehehehe
[BGA] I like that...
[Alley] bwahahahahaha
[BGA] well... think of it this way...
[Alley] what can I say? I come with baggage
[BGA] you will be the first one of my friends he will meet..
[BGA] and visa versa
[BGA] yes... big baggage..
[Alley] oh the pressure!
[BGA] Oh no... pressure is worrying about my fag hag getting on with his fag hag...
[BGA] screw the parents... LOL
[Alley] LOLOLOL!!
[Alley] the modern world
[BGA] buwuahahahahahahhaha
[BGA] that is quite funny.... laughing at my own jokes...
[BGA] I'll have to tell him that tonight...



Blogger Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Yep, good punchline! (Tricky to read, though, because I couldn't see which bits were BGA and which bits were you - you might want to do a wee edit?)

4:37 pm  
Blogger Villagepig said...


I didn't even realise that it had stripped the names out :-)

Thanks hun... I will edit it forthwith!


4:47 pm  
Blogger Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Aaaah - that's better!!

6:31 am  

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