Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I am a serial face puller. If I'd grown up in Britain I reckon I'd have been one of those annoying young people (not necessarily my opinion but one I've heard mentioned) stage school kids. If I'd been in a country where it was viable, I'd have tried out for all the kids shows - Blue Peter seems to be the one that I'd have enjoyed the most.

Until I met the RO, I don't think anyone ever got this particularly childish sense of humour. Those who laughed were probably laughing at, but definitely not with me. The RO definitely gets it though. We have this terrible habit of choosing the most inappropriate places to let our inner children loose.

The best example is the bank. The RO and I have recently purchased a house together and we have spent a fair amount of time 'visiting' with our mortgage advisor. She's a lovely young lady however all bankers seem to be so serious about the job that they do. Don't get me wrong, there are some subjects that must be treated with tact and diplomacy but the whole process of borrowing large sums of money is scary enough without treating everyone with kid gloves.

Our way of diffusing the stoic atmosphere is to wait until the banker leaves the little room (usually to copy a document for the 20th time) before beginning the poking game. Initially all involved parties must try and restrain the giggles, allow the hysteria to build.. The appropriate time to burst out laughing is as the said banker returns..

Trust me, it makes life MUCH more interesting :-)



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