So when is it cussing??
I'm afraid I am foul! Not in the smelly sense but I'm foul mouthed. I can't help it. There are very few situations that don't call for some kind of colourful language. Baring this in mind, perhaps someone can help with a little difference in opinion that the RO and I are having?
Despite my cussing nature I once commented on the fact that the word 'Bitch' is not censored on British radio. The thing is, I know when my swearing is unacceptable (i.e. in front of children, the elderly and my parents-in-law) so when I hear 'Bitch' at 08:15am in the morning, I get confused - how can 'Bitch' be ok but 'Arse' be a problem? So, I asked the fountain of all knowledge, the knower of all random facts, the RO. He patiently explained that 'Bitch' is perfectly acceptable as its true definition is, 'a female dog'. Fair enough, makes sense. So where I hear you ask, does the difference of opinion come into it?
Good question, you see, this afternoon, on the way home we heard some new random track on the radio (admittedly it was pretty awful) in which the lyrics, 'my left tit' are clearly and proudly spoken in the way that only truly disturbed gangsta type people can speak them - to music-ish. The RO was surprised and a little shocked that 'Tit' was not censored. I, in my infinite ignorance proposed the idea that a 'Tit' is in fact a bird and therefore when the same logic as is used for 'Bitch' is applied to 'Tit', surely this makes it acceptable?
The RO disagrees, he thinks that they aren't the same thing because the word 'Bitch' even when used as a description for a person rather than a dog, is still defined as a female dog (I hope he never calls me one then), however a 'Tit' is really only a trendy (and slightly insulting) name for a breast.
I'm not sure, I lost concentration around the 4th time the word 'Bitch' was mentioned in the conversation but at least I've managed to incorporate both 'Bitch' and 'Tit' in a post that doesn't apply these nasty little labels to anyone specific! (sooooooo proud!)
So, any ideas? Comments? Insults? Bring them on ... I need the visitors :-)
I think the RO is being most illogical. It seems from his argument that the femaleness of 'bitch' is what makes it acceptable, as 'tit' is indeed a name for a type (or, if you want to be really pedantic, series of types) of male and female bird.
If you want more visitors, try going to Michele's and playing her comment game (she's on my sidebar).
I'll have you know I am never illogical ;)
Although I do have a tendency to get involved in discussions that I know absolutely nothing about.
I have a feeling though that the origin of "tit" comes from "teat" (or however you spell it) but then that would hardly explain it being a naughty word then would it...?
I really wish I hadn't started this.
aHA!! The RO has a blog of his own! There shall be reading. And, I daresay, commenting.
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