Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Another Monday...

Yip you read that right, today felt just like another blue Monday! We are all sorts of havoc going on in the work place. The kind of stress that reminds me exactly why I enjoy doing what I do!

The day started out much like any other (except that I had read way past my bedtime thus waking up somewhat grumpier than usual) however soon took a frustrating dive when the kitchen installer informed us that there was a problem with the work tops. He was worried that if he installed the solid wood worktops in our partially finished house, that they would buckle and warp due to the cold and damp. Many minutes of aggravated huffing and puffing passed before common sense prevailed. We have acquired a few oil heaters which are now stationed in and around the kitchen to ensure that it stays warm and dry. If only we were allowed to actually wake up before being faced with such things!

Things have improved steadily though, the kitchen is almost done! Initially we thought we'd have to wait for it to be finished completely until after the fitter came back from holiday in 3 weeks, but it turns out things have run smoother than planned and he's ahead of schedule. We deserve a little bit of good news.

We also have partial electrics (clearly just enough to keep the sparky on the inside) with lights in half of the house and one rooms worth of sockets. Hence the ability to power energy sucking heat generators :-)

May I take a moment, before running off to make our yummy meal for the evening (spaghetti and toast) to thank a fellow blogger for being t'internets angel, Zinnia of Real E Fun fame. She's witty, talented and very funny and you're missing a whole bunch by not visiting her regularly.

We could do with more of her kind so take some notes!!



Blogger Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Awwww, thank you!

1:34 pm  

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