Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Did ya miss me?

Well I'm back, and I honestly cannot believe that the holiday has flown past so quickly.

News on the home front, I am now a Mrs and we're still expecting an addition! 10 weeks in and the nausea hasn't passed yet but I'm hopeful.

South Africa was gorgeous and the weather was very kind to us (the safari was especially successful but more news on that soon).

We only have a few days to unpack all our boxes so posts may be scarce but I promise to bring pictures and more detailed news on the next few days. In the meantime, Merry Christmas!!


Thursday, December 01, 2005

A rather quick update I'm afraid...

So sorry for being scarce over the last few days. What with battling morning sickness, sorting out final details at the house and preparing for the holiday/wedding, I've been a little pre-occupied.

The goos news is, the pregnancy is looking good - due date (so far) 31 July 2006. We're very excited but still a little wary and I'm not looking forward to the 12 hour flight at all.

We're away in South Africa from tomorrow and will only be back on 27 December. I will do everything I can to update but SA has notoriously bad bandwidth problems so it may be tough.

If I don't get a chance to say so before hand, I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and I will definately catch up with ALL of you in 2006!

Hugs all around!

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