So this is how it starts..
This whole blogging thing is highly addictive. Having spent loads of time reading other people's entries, I am always amazed at the dedication that they show in trying to ensure that there is at least an entry a week. Here I am not even a week into the process and already I'm not sure what to write about.
Perhaps the biggest problem that I face is that I'm not sure that my writing ability is even remotely up to the task. There is a certain glibness that my favourites achieve that leaves me in awe of their obvious literal abilities and yet here I am struggling to string a decent sentence together.
In light of the above I have decided to not try to hard but rather to use this as an outlet for things that annoy or amuse me, the former I have clearly achieved (see yesterday) but the latter is proving more difficult to put into words, but I'll keep trying until I get it right.
I'd hate to give the wrong impression, I'm not a serious person by nature. The RO and I laugh all the time, at each other, with each other and generally at everything around us. The problem is that our source of amusement is very situation specific which is hardly useful when you're reporting it after the fact. We have our little idiosyncrasies that are rather endearing to us and pretty strange to others. One such example has been a source of minor embarrassment on a couple of occasions when we have people over to visit and we settle in to watch our favourite tv drama, namely, CSI - Las Vegas. You see, the theme song (Who Are You by The Who) is irresistibly sing-able. We slip into the habit of happily singling along at the top of our voices along the lines of; 'Whoooooooo Are you.. who who.. who who. Add to this the required head movements (imagine sideways head jerks and pursed lips) and a distinct inability to carry a tune and the result is very uncomfortable guests with no polite way to excuse themselves without drawing attention to the horror!
Our weird singing habits are unfortunately not isolated to this one tv time slot as we find ourselves doing exactly the same thing to adverts as well. Sainsbury's 'Little tiny Bob' is a current favourite and Renaults Megane advert provides much hilarity and ass shaking!
Speaking of the influence of adverts, I must remember to thank a certain company for providing me with the perfect word to use on those occasions when real Cushing just isn't appropriate. The word boswelox started being used way back when the advert first came on and is used to describe any situation which obviously doesn't ring true. It brought immense satisfaction when that particular company was recently said to be to be in trouble over this particular product as their claims about scientific evidence proved to be, well, boswelox!
Such is the life huh?